Intervista a Kristen Stewart di Twilight Lexicon

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icon10  view post Posted on 6/6/2008, 15:35

Ecco la trascrizione in inglese:

Lexicon: Can you tell us what your vision of Bella is?

Kristen: Wow, that’s like a loaded question. I feel like she is a generally relatable character, you know, it’s like in the beginning of the story it’s not her choice to go to Forks, but really she HAS no other choice, it’s like, “Well, i don’t want to be on the road with my mom’s boyfriend”. I think what makes the love story so effective is that she doesn’t have any real connections with people, she’s bored and displaced. She is easily related to by most kids that age, and not just girls, but mainly because it’s…she doesn’t have…People really like her, she’s good hearted. She’s honest, she’s friendly, but she’s not really interested in other people, it’s sort of like she’s not an introvert but nothing dazzl… i can’t believe i actually just said the word dazzles!

Lexicon: How was it filming with Taylor as opposed to Rob?

Kristen: Rob’s a lot taller. They’re so different actually, they’re so, so different.

Lexicon: Which is something Bella has to deal with too.

Kristen: Yeah, I mean oddly enough, Jacob’s well, Taylor’s, warmer. No joke! I’m not just saying that! I’m serious! I’m not a… I don’t cheese it up. And that’s why in the beginning she’s like, “Wow, I’m a logical girl, I don’t understand.” It’s like something that overtakes you. Just because, Edwards wrought with so, so much, and he’s not. And Rob really, really encompasses that. I don’t want to say that he’s neurotic but definitely contemplates…

Lexicon: He’s into character.

Kristen: Yeah. But I think that’s what makes the love story so effective.

Fonte: Twilight Lexicon


le Lexicon chiedono a Kristen: Puoi dirci qual'è la tua visione di Bella?

Kristen risponde che Bella è un personaggio nel quale molti si possono immedesimare. Ha un buon cuore, piace alla gente, ma dal canto suo non è per nulla interessata alle persone, è annoiata e fuori posto, come la maggior parte di teenager del mondo d'oggi.

Le Lexicon poi le chiedono: come è stato recitare con Tyler rispetto a farlo con Rob?

Kristen risponde: Rob è molto più alto!Non è una differenza...Sono totalmente differenti!!

Lexicon: é qualcosa con cui anche Bella deve fare i conti? (la differenza tra ed e jake)

Kristen dice che Taylor è più caldo, in senso più aperto e Rob è più riflessivo.

Lexicon: Si è calato nel personaggio!

Kristen: Si, ma penso sia questo che renda la storia d'amore così d'effetto.


Edited by Vale1187 - 7/6/2008, 23:47
view post Posted on 6/6/2008, 16:07

graziee amoo
view post Posted on 6/6/2008, 16:13

e di ke :P
view post Posted on 6/6/2008, 16:56

Vale sei il mio mitoooooooo XD
view post Posted on 6/6/2008, 22:32

ammazza :P
view post Posted on 8/6/2008, 14:45

Gracias *_*
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